OPA! Its that time of year again when East Atlanta opens up its arms for the city! Come on out and Join Your Local Circus for a day of entertainment and delight at the East Atlanta Strut... oh and did we mention it is FREE to come to? no? Well it is! HAHA! OPA! Yes Folks a full day of circus delight is in store ya - along with Music, drinks, food, games, and more! strut_image_2 Here is the line up for the day.
  • 10 am - The Strut starts up!
  • 2pm - 3pm - A mighty fine parade with creative folks and the OPA!
  • 3pm - on the OPA stage - our first 30 minuet circus show for the day!
  • 4pm - The killer band 'Mourdella' takes us on a 45 minuet music fest along side the 'Ice Cuban' doing live ice carving! (*this is too cool to miss)
  • 530pm - The Sky Gym (*Liquid sky productions) will be amazing crowds with a 30 minuet Aerial masterpiece!
  • 530pm - The Circus is back for a 30 minuet afternoon show featuring those breathtaking dance from Rythma Studios!
  • 615pm - Join us for some hilarity when the strongest man in the world "Brutus" hosts a puppet spectacle concluding in the legionary monster wrestling of the EAV recycle program!
  • 7pm - Musée du Coeur - will take you on a vaudeville styled slip and slide of magic leaving you salivating for more!
  • 740 ish - We will ask you to shuffle your kids away at this point.
  • 8pm - Siren's of the South - Atlanta's premier burlesque troop will leave your jaws droped and eyes popped!
  • 845pm - The OPA returns for its last show of the night featuring a 1 hour medley of creativity, magic, skill, and amazement.
strut_image_3 Bet you want to know where this magic will happen, well here is the low down. This year we will be across the street form the graveyard tavern: View Larger Map Here is the Map for the East Atlanta 2011 Strut: map_lg If your on face book here is the event link as well : (facebook event) We look forward to seeing you all out and about at this amazing day! OPA!~ p.s If you woudl like to Sponsor this circus we are looking for community based companies or art lovers to help us. Contact us to learn more.